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2 Juil 1970
Acrylique, Mosaïque, Technique mixte
Aluminium, Béton, Bronze, Métal, Pierre, Verre
Capturing the emotion - fluid ideas molded into solid artistic expression
Alex Knapić was born on July 2, 1970 in Pula (Istria, Croatia). Today he lives and works in Poreč.
Alex’s focus in the business world is interior, exterior and landscape design, that he displays using the most advanced 3D technologies. In the artistic part of his work, he starts from mosaics, painting, creating art installations and combining mosaic and painting techniques, both on canvas and through sculptures and compositions.
He is a member of the international organization of contemporary mosaicists (AIMC - Associazione Internazionale Mosaicisti Contemporanei) based in Ravenna.
Although his opus is dominated by the abstract concept of the world’s interpretation, the dominant motive and inspiration are the artist's emotions translated into a visual form that changes over time, following the evolution of the world’s feelings. Dedicated to the presentation of "fluid ideas molded into a solid artistic expression", the artist achieves extremely well executed works from a technical point of view, which is the basis for the freedom to present the idea.
The canvas, a material that now takes on the role of a mosaic backing, allows Alex to capture the emotion instantly. Although the fluidity of ideas allows the viewer to understand abstract motifs in a personal way, solid artistic expression extends to the materials, the performance, and the personal choice of frames that define the canvases.
From perfectly precise technological works in the world of architecture, through the memory of time and space in the world of mosaics, to canvases that allow creation in a moment, the artist continues his evolution through experimental art installations in metal and wood, which are believed to experience a new change in the pursuit of the perfect display of emotion
Alex is the 2021. winner of the “St. Mauro” as the greatest awards in the field of culture and art of the city of Poreč.

• MALA GALERIJA POU | Mosaic Colony | Poreč | 2013
• Ex Tempore | Volosko | 2014
• ST.ART 2014. | Strassbourg | 2014
• MALA GALERIJA POU | Poreč | 2014
• GALERIJA BRUKETA 2 | Rijeka | 2015
• Crkva Sv. TROJICE | Kastav | 2015
• Galerie im Zentrum | Stuttgart | 2015
• ArtExpoNewYork | New York | 2016
• Royal Opera Arcade Gallery | London | 2016
• ArtExpoWinterRome | Rome |2017
• Chiostri Francescani | Ravenna | 2018
• Palazzo Medici Riccardi | Firenze | 2018
• Palazzo Medici Riccardi | Firenze | 2019
• Art Fair Zagreb | Zagreb | 2021
• Palazzo Rasponi dalle Teste | Ravenna | 2022
• Galerija DALIA | Zagreb | 2022

• ART Expo Ljubljana | 10/2023

Alex is the 2021. winner of the “St. Mauro” as the greatest awards in the field of culture and art of the city of Porec.

Image 1
„INFINITY MARK“, 2023.,Wood, Marble, Metal, Corten, Smalti, 69x111x11cm


Image 4
„MY WAYS“, 2016., Aluminium, Marble, Metal, Smalti, 100x100x7 cm


Image 7
„MOON SEA“, 2016., Aluminium, Black Marble, Metal, Smalti, 75x75x6 cm


Image 10
„INFINITY COLORS“, 2022.,Wood, Marble, Metal, Cooper, Smalti, 83x83x5cm


Image 13
„INFINITY BLACK ONE“, 2022., Okume waterproof plywood, 77x77x10 cm


Image 16
„INFINITY III“, 2019., Aluminium, Marble, Metal, Smalti, 100x100x8 cm


Image 19
„DIGITAL EYE“, 2016., Aluminium, Marble, Metal, Smalti, 65x65x7 cm
Image 2
„CUBE X“, 2021., Bronze, 45x45x60 cm


Image 5
„INFINITY METAMORPHOSES“, 2023., Bronze, 32x12x52 cm


Image 8
„CUBE ZERO“, 2021., Bronze, 30x30x37 cm


Image 11
„FATHER AND SOHN“, 2022., Okume plywood, 13x13x15 cm & 45x45x60 cm


Image 14
„TRANSITION“, 2021., Aluminium, Black Marble, Smalti, 62x62x8 cm


Image 17
„INFINITY 4 SEASON“, 2016., Aluminium, Marble, Metal, Smalti, 4x (30x30x5 cm)


Image 20
„INFINITY FORMS“, 2022., Okume waterproof plywood, 71x71x7cm
Image 3
„INFINITY II“, 2019., Aluminium, Marble, Metal, Smalti, 100x100x8 cm


Image 6
„INFINITY ESCAPE“, 2022.,Wood, Marble, Metal, Smalti, 100x100x13cm


Image 9
„TERRA ISTRIANA“, 2016., Corten, Marble, Metal, Smalti, 100x100x7 cm


Image 12
„INFINITY EXPIRATION DATE“, 2023., Wood, Aluminium, Concrete, 82x82x6 cm


Image 15
„INFINITY I4“, 2022.,Wood, Aluminium, Smalti, 52x52x5cm


Image 18
„BROKEN MEMORIES“, 2017., Marble, Metal, Smalti, 53x100x7 cm


Image 21
„INFINITY X“, 2022., Wood, Aluminium, Smalti, 52x52x5 cm