7 Jan 1980
Aquarelle, Pastel sec, Peinture à l'huile
Qi Jiguang's war horse, 38cm x 56cm, 2021
La bellezza del cavallo da salto sella italiano, 38cm x 56cm, soft pastel, 2021
The Outher Banks horses, 38cm x 56cm, 2020
Dance of horses 2, 38cm x 56cm, 2020
Selfportrait, 38cm x 28cm, 2020
The cat and the butterfly, 38cm x 56cm, 2020
Transilvania mea, 38cm x 28cm, 2020
Forever country, 38cm x 56cm, 2021
The beauty of the English Pure Blood horse, 38cm x 56cm, soft pastel, 2021
Los caballitos del río, 38cm x 56cm, 2021
Curiosita di vedere oltre, 38cm x 56cm, 2020
The innocence of Poland, 38cm x 28cm, 2020
Canine friendship, 38cm x 56cm, 2020
The street mucisian, 38cm x 56cm, 2020