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7 Fév 1971
She was born on February 7, 1971 in the South Kazakhstan region, in the city of Chimkent. She studied at the art school from 1982 to 1986. From 1986 to 1990 at the Chimkent Art College named after A. Kasteev, specializing in graphic design.
In 1996, after graduating from the Kazakh State Art Academy, she began teaching at the International Kazakh-Turkish University named after. HA. Yasavi at the Department of Design. From 2006 to January 2014 she worked as a senior lecturer at the Department of Painting and Design of the South Kazakhstan State University named after. M. Auezov. Since 2012 she has been engaged in monumental and interior painting.

Combining pedagogical and creative activities, in creative works I focus on the cultural and historical significance of the heritage of the past, reveal the unique beauty of architectural structures and arts and crafts, since history, culture and ethnography are an extensive and fruitful topic for the artist’s research.
Most of the creative works are based on the rethinking of traditional images and symbols inherent in the fine and decorative arts of Kazakhstan. Regardless of the execution technique, the paintings are filled with deep meaning and content, instill pride and love for their country, history and culture of Kazakhstan.

2012 - International Exhibition "Days of Slavic Art in Berlin - the 2nd place in the nomination of the Decorative and Applied Competition in Moscow
2013 - V International Festival of Arts "Art Space Amur" - diploma of the 3d degree
2016 - personal exhibition of creative works in the city of Turkestan,
participation in the 12th International Traditional Artists Festival in Pendik
2017 - the 2nd International Exhibition-Competition of Contemporary Art "Ural Art Week" in the city of Magnitogorsk - the 3d place, 2018 - the 1st place in the Classical Painting Competition in the Genre Composition nomination
2018 - the Northern Cyprus International Symposium - 19 paintings remained in the Museum of Modern Art in Cyprus, winner of the honorific award called "Silver Key" for the contribution to the art on Northern Cyprus
2021 - exhibition at the State Museum of Arts of the Republic of Kazakhstan named after A.Kasteyev, dedicated to the 30th anniversary of Independence called "Blossom my Kazakhstan" in the city of Almaty - 2 paintings were accepted as a gift by the State Museum of Arts named after A.Kasteyev
2021 - exhibition of Tamyr Group dedicated to the memory of the sculptor Dauren Aldekov in the city of Shymkent, exhibition at the National Museum of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the city of Nur-Sultan

Winner of the honorary award "Silver Key" for his contribution to the art of Northern Cyprus.

Image 1
"Welfare" 85x115 cm, acrylic on canvas, 2021


Image 4
"Steppe stories. Autumn" 107x70 cm, mdf, acrylic 2019


Image 7
"Family dinner" 100x130 cm, acrylic on canvas, 2020 small


Image 10
Series "Women's dreams" 1. "Birth" 40x60 cm, fiberboard, acrylic, paint decor, 2016


Image 13
Series "Women's dreams" 4. "Bride" 40x60 cm, fiberboard, acrylic, paint decor, 2016


Image 16
Series "Women's dreams" 7. "Maturity" 40x60 cm, fiberboard, acrylic, paint decor, 2016
Image 2
"Eternal way" 85x115 cm, acrylic on canvas, 2021


Image 5
"Caravan" triptych, 120x480cm, acrylic on canvas, 2019


Image 11
"Motherhood" 110x130 cm, acrylic on canvas, 2019


Image 14
Series "Women's dreams" 2. "Childhood" 40x60 cm, fiberboard, acrylic, paint decor, 2016


Image 17
Series "Women's dreams" 5. "Marriage" 40x60 cm, fiberboard, acrylic, paint decor, 2016
Image 3
"Steppe stories" 107x70 cm, mdf, acrylic 2019


Image 6
""Steppe melody" triptych, mdf, acrylic, 100x75 , 2021


Image 9
"Legend"triptych, 130x480 cm, acrylic on canvas, 2019


Image 12
"Morning" 110x110 cm, acrylic on canvas, 2019


Image 15
Series "Women's dreams" 3. "Youth" 40x60 cm, fiberboard, acrylic, paint decor, 2016


Image 18
Series "Women's dreams" 6. "Marriage" 40x60 cm, fiberboard, acrylic, paint decor, 2016