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Estera Parysz-Mroczkowska was born in beautiful Polish mountains in the subcarpathian region. Creates and lives in Poland in a seaside city of Koszalin. Raised in an artistic family: the mother, a conservator, dedicated herself entirely to the restoration of churches, and the father is a glass sculptor and a multiple international prize winner. In spite of artistic background and being engulfed in art since childhood Estera chose a different walk of life, not related to art.

Only in 2018, by a complete accident, she started her artistic life after being given her first easel and paint. Afterwards, her dormant artistic genes inherited from her parents woke up with a start. After a couple of first paintings, in spite of the fact that she was self-taught and without enough experience in the history of art, she conceived intuitively her own unique style, instinctively aware of what she wants to tell the world and who is the addressee of her works.

Since the very beginning she has been committed to the idea of showing only the truth and to get to people’s hearts and change their perception of the world as well as to make them more sensitive to the ever-present suffering which is so characteristic of the world of today. Her emphatic attitude allows her to paint in a way which enables her to get to the heart of a problem and thus raise people’s awareness of the main issues of the 21st century. The principle motif in her works is a contemporary woman in all parts of the world as seen through the lens of current affairs in politics, ecology and economy.

She is no stranger to conspiracy theories, cryptozoology or cosmological theories of alien civilisations and their impact on humanity. She skilfully connects sci-fi with scientific facts and gently shows all the ‘what ifs’. Her works are in a very specific style and bear a trademark of slightly altered anatomy and big, alive-looking eyes of the characters in the pictures what creates an incredible emotional impact. Astute titles and descriptions complete the works which are thus impossible to ignore. As a result of very short artistic experience, the artist has only two events under her belt: an exhibition in Cultural Centre 105 in Koszalin in 2019 and the presence of her works among the best Polish artists in the album The Art of Polish Painting 2019.

2019: Indywidualna wystawa w Centrum Kultury 105 w Koszalini

2022 Lipiec: Udział w wystawie sztuki wspólczesnej  Hamptons Fine Art Nowy Jork U

2023 Październik: Indywidualna wystawa w GOKIW w Haczowie

2024 marzec : Udział w wystawie zbiorowej Artystów ZPARP "Wiosna w kwiatach" w koszalinie

2024 marzec: Udział w multidyscyplinarnej wystawie zbiorowej Artystów ZPARP " Kobiety kobietom "

2024 kwiecień: Udział w wystawie zbiorowej Artystów ZPAP "Kobiety w twórczosci i twórczośc kobiet"

2020 Styczeń: Zdobycie wyróżnienia w miedzynarodowym konkursie dla profesjonalistów

sztuki za obraz "Sleeping with the enemy".

2021 Styczeń: Zdobyte wyróżnienie na międzynarodowym konkursie w Paryżu za obraz "Chil-
dren of another God".

2022 Kwiecień: Międzynarodowar nagroda Caravaggio w Mediolanie We Włoszech.

2022 Październik: Miedzynarodowa nagroda 'Trophy' w paryskim Luwrze we Francji.

2023 Lipiec: Zdobycie statuetki Gwiazda sztuki i rynku w Rzymie We Wtoszech.

2023 Wrzesień: Międzynarodowar nagroda 'Sztuki kariery w San Remo, we Włoszech.

2023 Listopad: Zdobycie statuetki w programie "Liderzy i Protagoniści sztuki wspólczesne" w Waszyngtonie USA

2024  Styczeń: Miedzynarodowa nagroda Botticelli we Florencji we Włoszech

2024 marzec.: Przyjęcie do ZPARP-u

2024 kwiecień: Miedzynarodowa nagroda Leonardo Da Vinci w Mediolanie we Włoszech.

2019: Zaszczyt zaistnienia prac,wśród najlepszych polskich artystów w albumie Malarstwo Polskie 2019.

2021: Zaistnienie pracy "Zbawiciel" w dokumencie zrealizowanym przez francuską telewizję
na temat życia twórczości Leonarda da Vinci.

Image 1
Sleeping with the Enemy


Image 4
Children of another god


Image 7
Soul engineers


Image 10
Fiat voluntas tua


Image 13


Image 16
Last Suppper


Image 19
Mój Ozymandyas
Image 2
The birth of Wenus XXI


Image 5
Circus Maximus


Image 8
100% human in human


Image 11
Cannibals of the soul


Image 14
Tenebrae Ultimae


Image 17
Salvator mundi


Image 20
Naked ape
Image 3
Death of Art


Image 6
Lost in the dark


Image 9
Confession of the murderer


Image 12
Mesjasz Oswojony


Image 15
As a tribute to the medics


Image 18