"My art is predominantly based around realism, shrouded with elements of mystery which are coming from my inner world and sublime thinking. In many cases, the composition is set in a form of a rebus, with a desire to provoke the audience's imagination to unlock the true meaning of the story."
My art is mixing realism with elements and symbols that are both making a mysterious spectrum of subliminal ideas, translated into a composition that is set in a form of a rebus. The aim is always to provoke the audience to stretch their imagination in a bid to unlock the true meaning of the story and in such a way immerse in the world of dreams and fantasies
1998 - "Konstantin Mazev‚‚ painting small format КИЦ Скопје
2012 - "Medaille de bronze ‚‚ Salon des Artistes Francais /Grand Palais /Paris
2013 - "Medaille d`argent,, Salon des Artistes Francais /Grand Palais /Paris
2014 - "Medaille d`or,, Salon des Artistes Francais /Grand Palais /Paris
2015 - "Medaille d`or,, Salon National des Beaux Arts / Louvre / Paris
2015 - "Dimitar Kondovski" DLUM (National Artist Association of Macedonia)
2016 - ''Prix ADAGP '' Le Salon des Beaux Arts / Louvre/ Paris
2016 - 1st PRIZE WINNER of PALM ART AWARD / Germany
2017 - 1st Absolute Prize in the Paintings section / Marchionni Prize / Italy
2017- Kitz Award 2017 / Austria
2018- TOP 10 Artist of the Year Award from Circle Foundation /France
2018- Winner of Art Expo Venice / Italy
2018- Golden Medal of Merit and Contribution to Art in 2018 by French 'Société Académique' Arts-Sciences-Lettres/ France
2019- Golden Medal in category "surrealism and symbolism" awarded by the Mondial Art Academia
2019- Golden Medal in "all categories" awarded by the Mondial Art Academia
2019- "ISMAIL LULANI' International Award , Second Prize winner VIZart International Biennial "Self -Portrait " Tirana/Albania
2020- Winner in Oil Medium (Artist Category) , Jumbish World Art Competition 5.0 - Portrait theme / India
2020- Grand Winner (Artist Category), Jumbish World Art Competition 5.0 - Portrait theme / India
2020- Catalogue Prize - Malamegi Lab16 - art prize / Italy