Winn was born in Biên Hòa, Vietnam, and lived there until 1975 when his family escaped to California, during the Fall of Saigon. His family settled in Greater Los Angeles where Winn eventually attended the University of California, Irvine, earning a Bachelors of Science. Winn then began medical school at the University of California, Irvine, School of Medicine with an intended focus in reconstructive surgery but left to pursue a career in art.
After leaving medical school, Winn began producing paintings and sculptures and
opened a small frame shop and gallery in Southern California. By 1997, Winn owned galleries in Newport Beach and Laguna Beach. That same year he founded Masterpiece Publishing and spent the next 20 years
mentoring and promoting blue-chip artists, curating exhibitions throughout North America and China. During this time, Winn continued to refine his own artistic style, which he dubbed, “Existential Surrealism.” Since 2016, Winn's sculptures and paintings have been exhibited in
the United States, Spain, China, and Vietnam.
Existential Surrealism is an artistic style developed by Winn which draws on his life experiences as a child refugee of war and the dichotomy between integrating into a strange new country while maintaining a sense of ancestral heritage. Existential Surrealism uses a surrealistic style and subject matter to encourage the viewer to examine the nature of existence, often through dreams. There are technical and symbolic parallels between Winn's work and that of the surrealist master, Salvador Dalí. In 2019, the Shanghai Art Museum held a joint exhibit featuring the works of Winn and Dalí.
A lifelong philanthropist, Winn has raised over $2 million for charities in the US and Asia. In 2001, Winn helped establish The Academy of Fine Art Foundation, a public charity dedicated to using art for the benefit of humanity. The charity focuses on underprivileged children and families in the US and Vietnam. In 2018, Winn was knighted by Prince Waldemar of Schaumburg-Lippe in recognition of his philanthropic works.
Since 2016, Winn’s paintings and sculptures have been exhibited in art shows such as Red Dot Miami, the LA Art Show, Art Marbella, Intersect Palm Springs, and the Shanghai Art Fair, as well as locations such as the Jane Kahan Gallery, the Coral Spring
Museum of Art and the Shanghai Art Museum. No stranger to accolades, Winn was recognized by members of the California Legislature in 2009 after winning the 2009 Asian Business Association of Orange County award for Entrepreneur of the Year. In 2014, Winn was a California Senate Resolution recipient as a Publisher for Contemporary Arts. In 2019, Winn won
the International Gold Medal for Best Sculpture from the Grand Jury de Mondial Art Academia, and again, in 2020, won the International Gold Medal for Best Painting and the International Silver Medal for Best Sculpture from the Grand Jury de Mondial Art Academia.
The indefatigable Winn continues to balance leading roles at both Winn Slavin Fine Art and Masterpiece Publishing while simultaneously creating award-winning art in multiple mediums. Now, with Winn Slavin galleries in Beverly Hills, Shanghai, and Ho Chi Minh City, Winn Slavin looks to continue to expand their art empire and position themselves as one of the premier galleries in the world.
Philosophically, the style involves contrasts and counterpoints and examines the physical and spiritual dichotomy of existence. It juxtaposes the idea of a universal creative divinity against the concept of free will and self-determination by recognizing divinity as the genesis of autonomy and acknowledging our responsibility for universally constructive action.
Visually, Existential Surrealism uses a surrealistic style and subject matter to encourage the viewer to examine the nature of existence. The frequent use of partially translucent figures is a metaphor for the physical/spiritual duality which is at the core of the style. Fields of abstract and surreal backgrounds depict the contrasts which define existence.
Nonrepresentational elements and depictions of falling and flowing water represent a non-denominational, secular view of universal divinity.
Winn’s own life experience as a child refugee of civil war, airlifted to a strange new home, and his exceptional success integrating into its distinctly different and often intolerant culture while maintaining a sense of his ancestral heritage are important influences in the development of the style.
Palm Beach Modern + Contemporary - 2022
LA Art Show - 2022
Art Miami Context - 2021
Shanghai Art Museum - 2019
Bowers Museum - 2019
Coral Spring Museum - 2018
Winn Slavin Fine Art - 2017
Jane Kahan Gallery - 2017
Art Palm Springs - 2017
Shanghai Art Fair - 2017
Art Marbella, Spain - 2017
LA Art Show - 2017
Red Dot Miami - 2016
Winn Slavin Fine Art - June 2022
Shanghai Art Museum - November 2022
Art Miami Context - December 2022
Art Miami - December 2022
Art Basel Miami – December 2022
2021 Unveiling Winn’s Monumental Sculpture on Rodeo Drive, Beverly Hills
2021 Silver Medal in Sculpture from the Mondial Art Academia
2021 Gold Medal in contemporary painting from the Mondial Art Academia
2021 Created Statuettes for Asian World Film Festival Award Ceremony
2020 Gold Medal in sculpture from the Mondial Art Academia
2018 Knighthood Order by Princely House of Schaumburg-Lippe-Nachod
2018 Philanthropic Artist of the Year by Nest Foundation - Hollywood, CA
2014 California Senate Resolution Recipient for Contemporary Artist
2009 California Legislature Assembly Recognition for Contemporary Artist
2009 Entrepreneur of the Year Award from Asian American Business Orange County
Yahoo! News: https://www.yahoo.com/now/asian-world-film-festival-highlights-141507857.html
Flaunt: https://flaunt.com/content/sir-daniel-winn-the-art-of-mixed-media
Authority Magazine: https://medium.com/authority-magazine/sir-daniel-winn-of-winn-slavin-fine-art-i-am-living-proof-of-the-american-dream-4c33467cad5f
Breakaway Daily | August 2nd, 2021 Realization of dreams: Fine artist Sir Daniel Winn merges art & science | Breakaway Magazine (breakawaydaily.com)
Wikipedia | Summer 2021 Daniel K. Winn - Wikipedia
Cliché Magazine | June/July 2021 Cliché Magazine June/July 2021 (Sir Daniel) | MagCloud
WFMZ News | June 1st, 2021 Artists Sir Daniel Winn and Ira Reines Collaborate on "Realization of Dreams" Sculpture for 2021 Asian World Film Festival | News | wfmz.com
Shout LA | April 15th, 2021 https://shoutoutla.com/meet-sir-daniel-winn-artist-and-founder-of-winn-slavin-fine-art/?fbclid=IwAR1cW7QpKyhmalVMpJPZQfgkhM1IZciiLuIb3ZHlb_tnJIZDB_jMZobCusI
InStyle Magazine Hungary | March 12th, 2021 https://www.instyle.hu/lakatos-mark-sir-daniel-k-winn-muvesz-interju-137934
MyArtIsReal Magazine | February 11th, 2021 https://myartisrealmagazine.com/existential-surrealism-a-look-at-artist-sir-daniel-winn-and-his-award-winning-painting/
PR Web | January 28th, 2021 World Renowned Artist Sir Daniel Winn Awarded Gold and Silver Medals from Mondial Art Academy (prweb.com)
Cliché Magazine | January 14th, 2021 https://www.clichemag.com/celebrity-news/artist-and-gallery-owner-sir-daniel-winn-on-fashion/
LaPalme Magazine | January 14th, 2021 https://lapalmemagazine.com/2021/01/sir-daniel-winn/
Preferred Magazine | Fall 2020 https://preferredmagazine.ca/the-physical-spiritual-dichotomy-of-human-existence-sir-daniel-winns-existential-surrealism/
The Hype Magazine | July 29th, 2020 https://www.sirdanielwinn.com/press-items/the-hype-magazine-sir-daniel-winn-a-look-at-art-and-fashion
Vents Magazine | July 2nd, 2020 https://ventsmagazine.com/2020/07/02/interview-fine-artist-sir-daniel-winn/
Respect. Interview | May 29th, 2020 https://respect-mag.com/2020/05/talking-fashion-with-artist-sir-daniel-winn/
Voyage LA | April 22nd, 2020 http://voyagela.com/interview/meet-sir-daniel-winn-winn-slavin-fine-art-beverly-hills-beverly-hills/
Home Business | April 12th, 2020 https://homebusinessmag.com/success-stories-lifestyles/sir-daniel-winn-look-business-fine-art/
Harper’s Bazaar Vietnam | April 9th, 2020 https://bazaarvietnam.vn/lifestyle/wine-dine/uong-ca-phe-trong-bau-khong-khi-nghe-thuat-cua-quan-vip-cafe/?fbclid=IwAR1wufHp2Rz7bxWiPBiecSZQU7Iecx6h3VWZID_EstFZncP_dOm_OVlSWPI
Forbes Vietnam | February 22nd, 2020 https://www.sirdanielwinn.com/press-items/forbes-vietnam
Monsters & Critics | February 4th, 2020 https://www.monstersandcritics.com/celebrity/sir-daniel-winn-discusses-his-award-winning-art-and-existential-realism/
The Hype Magazine | January 30th, 2020 https://www.thehypemagazine.com/2020/01/is-sir-daniel-winn-the-modern-day-salvador-dali/
Forbes Council Profile https://profiles.forbes.com/members/business/profile/Sir-Daniel-Winn-Owner-Winn-Slavin-Fine-Art/27ba757f-0d6e-4f18-90b0-03cfb676515c
Mondial Art Academia Profile https://www.mondialartacademia.com/index.php/fr/peinture/8-peinture/682-winn-daniel-kim-californie-usa
Haute Lifestyle | February 4th, 2020 http://haute-lifestyle.com/haute-lifestyle-entertainment/haute-lifestyle-film/168-haute-this-issue/4401-la-arts-exclusive-vip-collectors-gala-with-master-artist-royo-equus-renewed.html
Smart Shanghai| | December 16, 2019 https://www.smartshanghai.com/wire/arts/melting-clocks-and-tentacle-helmets-surrealist-artists-salvador-dal-and-daniel-winn-exhibited-below-ground
LA Post | March 10th, 2019 http://lapost.us/?p=15024
PRNewswire | December 19th, 2018 https://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/community-nest-foundations-first-annual-black-tie-red-carpet-gala-honors-lgbt-philanthropists-300769242.html
China National Arts Magazine 2019
Art World News | October, 2016
Art Business News | Spring 2015
Meet the Experts | Winter 2014